Words in Other Languages That Can Describe Your Feelings

Words in Other Languages That Can Describe Your Feelings

Rachel -

Language is an integral part of our culture, allowing us to better express ourselves, share our feelings, and connect with others. However, finding the perfect words in English to express our feelings can be challenging occasionally. Luckily, there are many different languages in the world that can perfectly describe some certain feelings or situations.

"Aspaldiko" in Basque

Aspaldiko is a Basque word that describes the feeling of joy mixed with nostalgia. It is often used to describe the feeling of a fond memory that brings a bittersweet smile to one's face. Additionally, aspaldiko can also be used to express a bittersweet feeling of regret that has been brought on by a difficult decision. It is ultimately a multifaceted emotion, but one that is uniquely Basque.

"Kvell" in Yiddish

Kvell can be used for expressing a feeling of overwhelming pride, joy, and admiration. It is typically used in response to hearing about someone else's accomplishments or good news. Kvell is often used to express the pride of a parent hearing about the successes of their children, but it can also be used to describe the pride and joy of seeing something new and remarkable. It is a feeling of deep and profound joy that cannot be put into words.

"Toska" in Russian

The Russian word "Toska" is used to express a deep, spiritual sadness. It has been described as a "longing for something that can never be obtained" and can refer to physical things, abstract feelings, and even a melancholic appreciation of life. Toska is sometimes used to describe an emotion that is almost too great to bear. It is a feeling of sorrow and despair, combined with a sense of hope for something better.

"Saudade" in Portuguese

Saudade is a Portuguese word with no direct translation in English. It is often described as a feeling of longing, nostalgia, or deep yearning for something that is absent or has been lost. It can be a longing for a place, a person, a feeling, or a past time. It can even be a longing for something that may never be possible or has never existed before. It is a bittersweet emotion, one that is at once painful and comforting.

"Jaksaa" in Finnish

Jaksaa is a Finnish word that describes a feeling of having the strength and courage to continue despite obstacles. It is often expressed as a mental or emotional perseverance, but it can also connote physical endurance. It implies that the person pushing forward is determined and confident in their abilities. Jaksaa can be thought of as a more concerted and determined version of the phrase "I can do it". It is encouraging and empowering, inspiring the listener to take courage and keep going despite the challenges they face.

"Arbejdsglæde" in Danish

Arbejdsglæde is a Danish word meaning work happiness or joy in work. It is a concept that emphasizes the importance of enjoying one's job, finding meaning and satisfaction in one's work. It is seen as a way to motivate and engage employees, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction, as well as improved health and well-being. Arbejdsglæde can be accomplished through a variety of activities and initiatives, including flexible work schedules, meaningful work assignments, role clarity, and rewards for achieving goals.

"sa jiao" in Chinese

In Chinese, "sa jiao" is an expression used to describe a certain type of teasing, child-like behavior which often involves pouting, whining or stomping feet. It is used to express affection, and is often a sign of a strong bond between two people. Sa jiao can also be used by kids or women to get someone's attention, or to lightheartedly tease someone. So it would be quite inappropriate to use it between people who are not very close.

"Litost" in Czech

Litost is a term that has no direct English equivalent and has been described as a mix of guilt, sorrow, regret, and empathy. Kundera wrote that litost could not be fully explained and could only be felt, which is why it has become a popular term in Czech literature and culture. In addition to its associations with guilt, sorrow, and regret, litost is a strong emotion associated with a sense of helplessness and a deep longing for a better life.