6 Simple Tips to Prevent Workout Injuries

6 Simple Tips to Prevent Workout Injuries

Lydia -

Don’t let injury get the best of you, follow these tips and stay safe during your workout

Have you got injured during workout? According to a research, over 40% of gym enthusiasts are injured while training. There’s no doubt that exercise is good for the overall health, however, it’s easy to do the workout wrong for a number of possible reasons. And end up, your body take the terrible consequences of painful injury, as well as other more serious injuries that cause you to make a trip to the doctor’s office.

Thankfully, here are a few simple tips that will help you prevent any training injuries. Follow these risks and stay injury free.

Common Workout Injuries

Some of the most common exercise injuries include:

• Sprains and strains

• Joint injuries (knee, shoulder, ankle)

• Muscle injuries

• Dislocations

• Fractures

• Achilles tendon injuries

• Pain along the shin bone

How to prevent a sport injury?

There are simple steps that can help keep you injury-free during your workout:

Never skip on warm-up

You’re about to crank up your heart rate for the workout, so you need to get your blood flowing to the muscles. A warm-up will help loosen up your joints, relieve muscle tension, and get your heart rate up. But if you skip on it, you can possibly experience painful muscle tears that take time to heal. A good way to start out is to do some light joint mobility movements. You can also start with some general body movement patterns to wake up your whole body. After you’ve done your warm-up, you’re ready to focus on your workout.

Remember to Stretch

Stretch before and after every workout, and whenever you feel the need. Properly performed, a stretch helps relieve muscle stiffness and increase range of motion, which increase flexibility and minimize the risk of injury. A good stretch also increases blood flow to your muscles. Researches have also proven that stretch at the conclusion of a day is helpful to reduce the regular aches.

Eating well

Eating well will help prevent injuries. Certain foods can help repair the body and muscles damage after a workout, so it's best to feeding your body the necessary proteins and fats afterwards. Having a small, healthy snack before a workout will also help give you strength.


It’s recommended to alternate different muscles groups and work sets throughout the workout. This will help prevent unnecessarily stress to your body and allow for recovery. The important rule is to never cross-train the same day that you are about to exercise. So, on Monday, you can go to the gym and try to lift heavy, but on Wednesday, go to the pool and swim. You will use a different set of muscles, and get a more balanced workout.

Stay hydrated

Your body is made up of 60% water, so it’s important to stay hydrated. Electrolyte drinks are good to replenish the minerals that your muscles need to contract, and stay hydrated. Water is the best way to stay hydrated while exercising. Water is the main fluid your body is made up of and it also helps in removing toxins and impurities from the body. If you are exercising in the heat, make sure you drink lots of water to avoid getting dehydrated. Hydration is extremely important during intense exercise and training.

There are several benefits to stay hydrated including:

• Increase energy levels

• Increase mental clarity

• Increase muscle strength

• Improve sports performance

• Prevention of muscle cramps

• Protection from heatstroke

Take a rest when you’re tired

As you’ve probably noticed, some of the tips we’ve talked about so far are about breaking a certain rule. They’re about recovering and not training too hard (if you do this one you’ve gotta take a day off too). Recovery is just as important as training. It’s important to give your body enough rest days so that it can recover from the previous workout and build up enough energy to do it again the following week. If you don’t give your body enough rest days, you’re more likely to get injured.


When it comes to workout injuries, prevention is always better than a cure. Follow these tips and you’ll be injury-free and energized for every workout.