Eight Trigger Foods To Avoid With Asthma

Eight Trigger Foods To Avoid With Asthma

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Asthma is a disease that's driven by inflammation. According to the American Lung Association, there are more than 26 million Americans suffered from asthma, which makes them breath difficult and have a high health care cost.

It's long been known that air pollution influences the risk of asthma. Actually, many evidences confirm that a wrong food eating habit will make symptoms worse. It cannot be sure that a certain food will cause asthma attack for everyone, but we should take high attitude to some highly risky food to avoid some potential threatening.


Some people may be allergic to eggs but they do not know it. Only if some severe symptoms, like skin reactions or breathlessness, giddiness happen, they will be aware that they may have even a slight egg allergy or egg sensitivity. Especially for a little baby, we should take great attention on them. They can not express what they are allergic. It is obvious that a patient with an asthma should try to avoid egg proteins consumption.

Recently, a lot of processed foods contain eggs. It is very important to read labels or ask someone if eggs tend to be hidden in food products to avoid an asthma strike!

Cow's Milk

It's long been known that milk makes mucous in the respiratory tract or that dairy products may increase airway resistance and aggravation of asthma. Even when we got a cold, the doctor will recommend us of no more milk drinking. Current evidence shows that asthma are not directly associated with milk. If someone are highly allergic to milk, drinking milk should be avoided. Nowadays, we can find many dairy products are non-dairy substitutes for these products which are perfect for an asthma sufferer.


Peanut allergy can be a very common allergy. If you can not confirm whether your child is allergic to peanut, please take him or her to see a doctor. Immediately testing will help confirm whether your child is or not sensitive to peanuts.

When the worst thing happens, as parents, you will feel helpless with being unable to supply his or her body with the oxygen it needs while watching your child gasp for air. Don’t let these heartbreaking things happen.


According to clinical data from 19718 patients reviewed in United States, wheat is a potent allergen source. On the other hand, it also proved that wheat is one of the causes of baker's asthma. Between 4–25% of bakery workers are affected by prolonged exposure to wheat products. The longer they stay with bakery, the more symptoms of baker's asthma will have. Such symptoms always include sneezing, coughing, skin rash, wheezing, and shortness of breath and others. Why wheat can induce asthma attack? Mainly because it is abundant with a type of protein called Gluten, which is known to trigger an asthma attack. If you are an asthma patient, don’t be shy to ask waiter or chef to confirm whether they have a listing of dishes without wheat component.


Sulfites are kind of preservatives which are widely used in some processed food. And it can be a trigger to cause asthma and allergy symptoms. It proved that the anaphylactic reactions potentially lead to death. Many products, like wines and dried fruits and vegetables, bacon and hotdogs containing sulfites. In our daily life, we should try our best to avoid foods that contain sulfites, especially some similar components, like sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, sodium sulfite, etc.

Shrimp & Shellfish

Many of the respiratory symptoms of shrimp & shellfish allergy can mirror an asthma attack. Why shrimp & shellfish are considered to be a food allergy? That is because your immune system mistakenly identifies shrimp & shellfish, as certain proteins, which are harmful for your body and produce some antibodies to the shellfish protein. So when it comes to them, it will trigger some immune system overreaction. Luckily, there are plenty of shellfish protein-free products available for asthma sufferers as well as those who are allergic to shrimp & shellfish.


Similar to other foods that are likely to cause allergies, some special fish may also make you prone to asthma attacks. A clinical trial has shown eating fish or some processed food contained fish oil or fish component may be not helpful for many people with asthma. You should certainly avoid any supplement within fish component .


Soy supplements may be a argumentative food for asthma patients. Actually, it mainly depends on different people. For someone who are seriously allergic to soy, it will be fatal food for them. However, for others, it may benefit asthma patients a lot, totally because they are not sensitive to it at all. So if you are diagnosed as asthma, please check which food you are specially allergic.

Actually people with asthma do not have to follow a special diet, but to avoid certain foods which can make symptoms worse. Meanwhile, we have to do a better job educating people about managing their symptoms and how to correctly use medicines to control asthma so they can live longer, and save health care costs.