Get Rid of These 5 Cancer-inducing Eating Habits as soon as Possible

Get Rid of These 5 Cancer-inducing Eating Habits as soon as Possible

Lydia -

In addition to the internal causes of the body, cancer is more of a result of combined external environmental factors. Some bad eating habits can induce cancer.

Love fried foods and barbecue

Many people like to eat deep-fried and barbecued foods such as deep-fried dough sticks, pancakes, and barbecued meats. In the process of baking, frying, and smoking, the food is easily heated to produce carcinogens under the condition of loss of water. There are also barbecues with charcoal fire. The fat in the meat drops on the fire to generate a strong carcinogen benzopyrene, which easily contaminates the surface of the food and increases the risk of cancer.

Often eat pickled food

Foods such as pickles, salted fish, bacon, salted eggs, and ham will produce a large amount of nitrite during the curing process, which will be converted into carcinogenic ammonium nitrite in the body. Regular consumption of such foods can easily increase the risk of diseases such as gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, bowel cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Eating too hot

Many people like to eat hot food. Food that is too hot can damage and stimulate the epithelium of the esophageal mucosa. Under long-term stimulation, it may induce malignant transformation of tissues and increase the risk of gastrointestinal tumors such as esophageal cancer and gastric cancer.

Generally speaking, the suitable temperature for eating is 10℃~40℃, and the high temperature that can be tolerated is only 50℃~60℃. If it exceeds 65℃, it can scald the mucous membrane.

High fat diet

If the diet is too greasy, like eating fatty meat, cakes, instant noodles and other high-fat foods, it can easily induce breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Rarely eat fruits and vegetables

Various vitamins and dietary fiber in fruits and vegetables play a vital role in improving immunity and keeping healthy. Everyone should try to eat more fruits and vegetables to achieve the goal of keeping healthy and preventing chronic diseases.