How to Never Get Sick: Start These 7 Healthy Habits

How to Never Get Sick: Start These 7 Healthy Habits

Nikita -

There are people who never seem to catch a cold or get the flu, even through cold and flu season. What are the secrets of those seemingly perpetually healthy people? Don’t just envy them. Steal their secrets for a stronger immune system and a healthier life. Here are the 7 secret habits of people who rarely get sick.

1. They don’t skimp on sleep

Studies have found that our immune system suffers immensely when we don’t get enough sleep, which means we’re more prone to getting sick. “When we sleep, the body gets a chance to recuperate, repair and rejuvenate,” says Dr Miranda, recommending around eight to nine hours of sleep.

2. Disinfect phone and work surfaces

Viruses can live on the surfaces we touch and use regularly. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces everyday like cell phones, tablets, computers, tables, countertops, doorknobs, and cabinet handles.

3. Drink enough water

Water will flush out pesky germs from your system. “Stay hydrated. Take your weight in pounds, divide in half. That is approximately how many ounces of water you need a day,” advises Renee Miranda, a family physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Centre.

4. Wash your hands

Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water. Many microbial threats can be washed away. Listen to the doctor - Even if your hands don’t look or feel dirty, washing them frequently for at least 20 seconds.

5. Stay Connected

A robust social life can help you stay healthy. Researchers found that people with three or fewer strong social relationships were almost four times as likely to succumb to the bug.

6. Keep moving

Regular, moderate exercise may improve the immune system and aid in the prevention of illness. One study has found that found that regular exercise prevented catching the common cold when compared to individuals who do not exercise regularly. Take a long walk after dinner, take a walk during your break. Do some squats every hour or so if you work in an office.

7. Correct nutritional imbalances

Though you eat sufficient calories, however, you maybe deficient for vitamins and minerals. To stay as sick-proof as possible, eat a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet that includes green, leafy vegetables and a sufficient amount of vitamin D, both of which boost the immune system. It’s also important to include plenty of protein-rich, zinc-rich foods, which contributes to immune function.