How to Run Without Hurting Your Knees: 5 Tips for Beginners

How to Run Without Hurting Your Knees: 5 Tips for Beginners

Nikita -

The knee is one of the most sensitive areas on the human body. It is prone to sprains, bruises, and other injuries that are quite common among runners. If you are a beginner runner who is just starting out with your fitness journey, then knee pains are something that you need to be aware of.

Fortunately, there are simple solutions for this issue. With the right techniques and adjustments in your running style, you can prevent hurting your knees when running. This article covers some useful tips that will help you avoid knee pain while running.

1.Know the basics of a running form

One of the most common mistakes that runners make is that they overstride. If you overstride, your foot will land beyond your knee, which puts a lot of pressure on your knees. To avoid this, make sure that your foot lands below your knee. Also pay attention to avoid pronating your feet. As your arch may collapse when you are running, which will put more pressure on your knees. With proper form, you can avoid these common mistakes, and reduce the pressure on your knees.

2.Stretch before and after your run

Stretching is important before and after your run. It can help you reduce the risk of injuries, improve your flexibility, and prevent your muscles and joints from getting stiff. When you stretch before your run, it will help you warm up your muscles and joints to prevent injuries. Your muscles are less likely to get injured if they are warm. Stretching after your run will ensure that your muscles don’t get stiff. They will also help you avoid cramping and muscle spasms, which can be quite painful. Stretching also helps you recover faster after an intense run. This way, you can avoid intense knee pain and stiffness.

3.Use the right shoes

The right shoes can help reduce the risk of knee injuries. If you have flat feet, then you should wear shoes that have more cushioning and support. On the other hand, if you have high arches, choose to wear a less-cushioned shoe. While there are many options in the market, they aren’t all suitable for runners with knee problems. So, it is important to pick a pair of shoes that are right for your specific needs. You should also make sure that your shoes fit you perfectly. They should be neither too tight nor too loose, but just perfect for your feet.

4.Run on a soft and even surface

Running on a soft and even surface can reduce the risk of knee injuries. Avoid running on a hard surface, as it can put a lot of pressure on your knees. Add a bit of cushioning under your feet. You can do this by wearing lightweight and comfortable shoes.

5.Practice knee bends

Knee bends are a great exercise that helps you strengthen your lower leg muscles. It will also help you improve your running form, prevent overstriding, and pronation. This is an easy exercise that you can do anywhere. You don’t even need any special equipment or a trainer to do it. All you have to do is stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, bend your knees until your legs are at a 90-degree angle.