Strength Training: Get Stronger, Leaner, and Healthier

If you’ve ever wanted to get into shape, then this is the article for you! Strength training is one of the most effective ways to build lean muscle and boost your athletic performance.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. With so many different exercises, programs, and kit options available; it can be a bit overwhelming. In this article we will cover everything you need to know about setting yourself up for success as well as some helpful tips on how to stay motivated. So let's get stuck in!
What Is Strength Training?

Strength training is the act of progressively increasing your muscle strength to improve your health and performance. Specifically, you’re training your “strength-endurance” or your ability to exert force over time. This doesn’t mean you just lift heavy weights for as long as you can. Instead, you want to choose an exercise that challenges you in a way that makes you work for each rep.
You’ll also want to focus on movements that use your larger muscles, not just your smaller ones. This will build up your “functional” strength, which is the ability to perform everyday tasks like walking, jogging, running, and climbing stairs.
What Can Strength Training Help You?

Muscle mass naturally decreases with age. If you do nothing, your body fat percentage will increase, replacing the muscle you lose over time. Strength training can help you maintain and build muscle mass at any age.
It also helps:
Weight control. Strength training can help you control or lose weight, increase your metabolism, and help you burn more calories.
Form strong bones. Strength training can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis by putting pressure on the bones.
Control chronic diseases. Strength training can reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic diseases, such as arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression, and diabetes.
Improve quality of life. Strength training can improve quality of life and improve ability to perform daily activities. Building muscles can also help improve balance, which may reduce your risk of falling. This can help you remain independent as you age.
Improve your thinking skills. Some research suggests that regular strength training and aerobic exercise may help improve thinking and learning skills in older adults.
How Do You Determine Your Starting Point?

Before you can decide where to start with your program, you need to figure out where you are right now. This can be done with the 3-Pushup Test.
You perform 3 pushups and time yourself to see how long you can last. If you don’t have enough strength to do 3 pushups, you need to start at the lower end of the scale. If you have more than enough strength to do 3 reps, you can start at the higher end of the scale. So for example, if you can only do 1 pushup, and you have enough strength to do 2, then you start at the low end of the scale. If you can do 3 pushups, then you start at the higher end of the scale.
How Often Should You Strength Train?

This will depend on a lot of things, including your current fitness level, how often you practice your sport, and how much time you have to train. However, most people find that 8 to 12 weeks of strength training is enough to reap the benefits. So, to get you started, we’d recommend 8 weeks. That’s long enough to see improvements but short enough that you don’t get too bored.
Which Muscles Should You Focus On?

When strength training, you want to focus on exercises that work large muscles, like the ones used in Olympic lifts or heavy pressing movements. That way, you’re building up your “functional” strength, which is the ability to perform everyday tasks like walking, jogging, running, climbing stairs, etc. You’ll also want to avoid exercises that isolate your smaller muscles, like bicep curls, as this doesn’t build your “functional” strength.
The Best Equipment to Train With

There are a lot of great equipment options available when it comes to strength training. However, there are a few that stand out as the best for beginners.
First, we’d recommend a weight set. This gives you a wide variety of weights, from light to heavy, which is perfect for making sure you do each exercise correctly.
Next, we’d recommend a fitness mat. This is basically like a yoga mat, but bigger and thicker, so it’s great for keeping your gym clothes clean.
Finally, we’d recommend a pull up bar. This is especially important if you don’t have a door frame or other way to hang a pull up bar in your home.