7 Low-maintenance Plants for Anyone to Grow in House

7 Low-maintenance Plants for Anyone to Grow in House

Kim -

Most houseplants can take good care of themselves, so all you need to do is to care for the baby plants produced by them. The following plants can be placed at your balcony to get the indirect sunlight. They also like the same room temperature as human beings(55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit). Of course there are some pests-related disease, but the most common ones come from root rot as you water them too much. Thus these plants are perfect for those who always forget to water their plants.

1. Aloe (Aloe vera)

Aloe (Aloe vera) is a very useful plant because you can use its sap to moisturize your skin, ease sunburn or heal minor cuts. Similar to succulent plants, it prefers sunlight than water. And it likes to stay in cooler temperature. One plant can grow for years in the same container, and when you need some leaves, remember don’t take off too many leaves.

2. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra relation)

It’s named cast iron plan because it can survive even in the worst conditions. Their pointed leaves are about two feet long and our inches wide, which look like a sword. This plant grows in clump and you may see them flower sometimes indoors. Some of the leaves have white stripes while others are studded with white dots.

3. Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema commutated)

The Chinese evergreen plant is extremely adaptable. They grow well in most indoor conditions but don’t keep them in temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit for too long. Before you water it next time, give the soil some time to dry. Most varieties look more attractive with their variegate leaf.

4. Holiday Cactus (Zygocactus or Schlumbergera)

The Holiday Cactus belong to cactus family and in early winter they produces flower in red or dark pink. It seems to flourish when it’s ignored. It can deal with low light but in bright light their can produce more flowers.

5. Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia)

Dieffenbachia looks quite attractive with striped leaves and it’s not difficult to grow. Don’t put it near windows or drafts as it likes to keep warm. Be careful if you keep this plant around children and pets. The snap may cause skin irritant and other problems.

6. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

As one of the most popular indoor plants, jade plant look attractive with its smooth, thick leaves. It prefers sunlight, so always put it in the room with the best sunlight. There’s only one difficult part of growing jade plant, that is, the right amount of water. If you water too much, their roots may rot, while you water too little, their leaves would drop.

7. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sandersl)

There are a large variety of dracaena and most of them are easy to care. One of the great choice is lucky bamboo, while it’s not bamboo at all. You can train its stem to be straight, bend or spiral. Place them in bright light and make them dry out before water them next time.