7 of the Best Plants for Your Bedroom
You spend a lot of time in your bedroom (at least eight hours every night, right?), adding real plants to your space can also help up your relaxation time. NASA has found some plants can remove toxins and improve overall air quality, which is key for a cleaner night's rest. Not only do bedroom plants have many health benefits, but they also increase psychological health, productivity, and overall well-being. Here we’ve gathered 7 Green plants best to keep in your bedroom, If you’re looking to add some greenery to your room, keep reading for the answer.

1. Snake Plant
Snake plant is an old stalwart, also called Sansevieria. It is an optimal choice for the bedroom because not only does it claim a spot on NASA’s list of the top 10 air-purifying plants, but it also is one of few houseplants that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen at night (something most houseplants only do during the day). It has been a popular houseplant for decades because it takes low light and little water.

2. Pothos
If you don't always have the greenest thumb, Pothos is the answer! This hardy vining plant has glossy variegated leaves that drape perfectly over dressers, shelves, or hanging planters. This trailing plant’s leaves come in a variety of visually appealing variations and are particularly effective at absorbing formaldehyde.

3. English Ivy
English ivy has been proved extremely effectively to filter many household allergens from the air, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, and toluene, etc. Research also shows that it may be able to clear air of mold and animal feces as well as improve allergy symptoms. English Ivy normally need to be kept in moderate light and water regularly.

4. Rubber Plant
Rubber plant shows low-maintenance beauty with its striking forest green leaves is a powerful toxin eliminator and air purifier. The abundant leaves of this plant draw in large amounts of contaminants, making it excellent at cleaning indoor air. Allow these plants to dry between waterings and keep in moderate to low light.

5. Monstera
Monstera, also called Swiss Cheese Plant (for obvious reasons), is an easy-going plant that requires moderate light and weekly watering. Steer clear of this plant if you have pets because its foliage may irritate cats, dogs, or other small animals.

6. Aloe Vera
Famous as the top air-purifying plants, Aloe Vera releases oxygen at night making it perfect for your sleep environment. It is also one of the easiest plants to care for, because it can tolerate neglect — meaning you can go three weeks without watering it and it will be OK. These succulent plants are also known for their medicinal benefits; the juice from their leaves can be used for scrapes and burns when applied topically.

7. Peace Lily
Peace Lilies bloom beautiful white flowers that are perfect for indoors, because they are known to clean the air of formaldehyde, benzene, acetone, alcohols, and trichloroethylene. These plants are poisonous so make sure to place somewhere that is out of reach for children and pets. To care for a Peace Lily, keep the soil moist and place it in an area of your home that gets moderate to bright indirect sunlight.