8 Magical Uses of Expired Milk

8 Magical Uses of Expired Milk

Irena -

Many people think that expired things can be eaten as long as they don’t spoil, and expired milk can be drunk as long as it doesn’t spoil. The elderly, in particular, have become accustomed to frugality and feel it a pity to throw it away. But it should be noted that expired milk cannot be drunk, especially for pregnant women and children, who may be poisoned if they drink it. In fact, there are still many uses for expired milk. Here are eight magical uses of expired milk.

1. Prevent shoes from drying and cracking

Usually our shoes worn for a long time is very easy to dry. In fact, we can use expired milk to prevent cracked shoes, first of all, clean up the dirty place on the shoes. Then use a piece of cloth, dip in the expired milk and smear on the whole shoe, wait for the shoes to dry. At last, wipe again with a dry cloth, you can prevent the shoes from cracked, and the shoes will take on a new look.

2. Act as a conditioner

Although the milk is expired, but the same nutritional ingredients exist. We can dilute the milk with water, and then smear it on the wet hair washed like hair conditioner, rub it a little, and then wash it off with clean water. At this time, the hair is shiny and soft, and the effect is better than usual with hair conditioner.

3. Fertilization of flowers and plants

Pour expired milk into a clean bottle and ferment it in two to three days at about 30 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is too cold, add a little yogurt to help ferment. Then pour the milk into the flower pot, but do not pour too much milk.

4. Mop the floor

Lactic acid in expired milk is a natural stain remover that removes stains from laminate floors. Additionally, the protein and adipose in the milk, can protect the wood floor. Just dilute the expired milk with twice the amount of water while scrubbing the floor and follow the normal procedure. But it should be noted that after wiping with expired milk, you need to wipe again with water.

5. Remove the ink

If you dip your clothes in a pen, the ink stains are very hard to clean. Milk can solve the ink cleaning problem, and light color clothes also suitable, do not worry about the color will fade. Wash clothes with clean water first, then pour in expired milk and scrub gently to remove ink from clothes.

6. Wash face

The expired milk can be used to wash or apply the face, and make the skin smooth. In fact, the fermentation of expired milk will help remove old and dead cutin from the skin, remove skin impurities, and aid in whitening.

7. Clean greasy dirt

After repairing the car, hands will be covered with oil and dust, become very dirty. At this point, mix oats and milk into a paste and wipe your hands. This will not only remove dirt, but also moisturize and make them softer.

8. Remove scale

Rust spots and stains can be removed by soaking the silver in expired milk. Rinse and dry after soaking. It can also be used to polish furniture. While deeply wetting the wood, its acidic ingredients also remove dust and dirt.