8 Surprising Tricks to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

8 Surprising Tricks to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

Irena -

Who doesn’t want their teeth to be a little whiter? As much as we put our teeth through, they may get stained along the way. If you're partial to get cups of tea and coffee, glasses of red wine, and smoking then you might find your teeth have got discoloured and turned yellowish. The good news is that it is possible to get them white again! Here we’ve grounded up some natural tips for whitening your teeth, without a trip to the hygienist or any chemicals to damage your enamel. Follow these tips and brighten up your smile.

1. Apple

Apples are considered to be “nature's toothbrush” for cleaning teeth. Its rough edges can detergent teeth and remove bacteria away from the teeth. Other crispy and firm foods including raw carrots, celery and pears also help to clean teeth as they’re eaten. In addition, apple will stimulate saliva production, therefore strengthen the gums by that crunch.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is an anti-bacterial agent that cleans gums, removes germs and plaque from our teeth. It’s one of the essential ingredients included in many toothpastes. Try to make a paste by mixing a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with water, and applying this to the teeth with your toothbrush. Leave it for a minute and then rinse!

3. Brush after meals

Most of us were taught to do so since we were at young ages. Brush as soon as consuming something can free your teeth from plaque and germs, therefore keep your teeth white and healthy. However, don’t brush immediately after taking acidic foods or drinks, which may cause damage to your enamel.

4. Rinse with warm salt water

Germs and plague in the oral and teeth can be simply washed away with water, but warm water. Water acts as a natural cleaner and has the power to wash away bacteria and residue left on the teeth after eating, warm water helps whiten your teeth naturally and looks after your gums. Be sure to rinse with warm salt water after every meal.

5. Flossing regularly

Flossing can contribute to making your smile appear brighter and whiter by clearing out food from between your teeth. Plus, flossing regularly can help maintain a good oral health, removing stains and bacteria, as well as preventing plague build-up. Make it a daily habits. It’s recommended floss at least once a day and after you have meal. Be careful not to hurt your gums by pushing too hard

6. Apple cider vinegar

Researches have proven that apple cider vinegar is excellent for whitening your smile due to its antibacterial properties. In fact it has been used as a natural disinfectant for centuries. But it could also potentially erode your enamel and soften your teeth, so don’t overuse it, and limit the amount of time it contact with your teetch. Use it as a mouthwash, before swish, dilute it with water.

7. Strawberries

Strawberries have been proven contain malic acid, which is known to remove discoloration on your teeth and make them appear whiter. To perform the trick, smash up a fresh strawberry, combine it with baking soda and keep rubbing it for about 2 minutes, then thoroughly wash your mouth and brush your teeth. Despite this remedy has a minimal effect on the enamel of your tooth, excessive use could still cause damage.

8. Stay away from foods and drinks that cause stains

Another tips for keeping your teeth white is to avoid foods and drinks that cause stains and teeth to turn yellow. Coffee and tea are one of the biggest culprits of staining teeth. Red wine and soda are also terrible for white teeth. Tobacco can cause teeth to turn yellow. Eat more fruits and vegetables instead. Crunchy, raw fruits can help rub the plague away as you chew them. They also are known to be very useful for your overall health, it’s a win-win for you.