Here are the 7 Hilarious and Sweet Reasons Kids Called 911

In their childhood, kids are taught that calling 911 is not a casual matter and should only be used in emergencies. Still, kids have a knack for doing the unexpected, which makes them both hilarious and sweet. In the naive mind of a child, “emergencies” like homework, naps and missed meals can seem to be really big deals that dire enough to involve the police.
911 Operators, former children and parents came together to share the most entertaining stories about the reasons children have called 911. From the adorable to the downright strange, these stories of kids calling 911 will make you smile.
Please Save Steve!

We have a kid who called 911, crying that Steve was drowning and had gone down the drain, and begging to save Steve. It turned out that Steve was a tiny house gecko, which suddenly went down the drain when my cousin was giving it a bath. By the time the responders figured out Steve was a gecko, the police and fire dept were already pulling up. She was like six or so, and I still tease her about it … I do feel bad for Steve, though.
Take My Mommy to Jail

Couple years ago when I was a kid, my dad was the chief of police, so I used to spend a lot of time at the police station. The only thing I remember was that I was prohibited by my mum to do something so I called the 911. After the dispatcher answering with "Police, what is your emergency", I very strictly sought after them to take my mom into custody.
The responders identified the number I was calling from and told my dad that I was on the emergency line and explained what I wanted. I got a scolding that evening, however from what my dad said, they had a good laugh about it at the station.
Emergency Flatulence Situation

My uncle, who is a dispatcher, once shared a funny story about a four-year-old who called 911 because his older brother farted on him.
The kid hung up shortly after he had explained the situation, leaving my uncle in stitches, so he took an extra few seconds before ringing the kid's number again. When the mother picked up, my uncle had to explain the whole thing to her. She was embarrassed and kept apologizing. My uncle said that it was a nice break from the stressful atmosphere associated with a busy holiday workweek.
The Case of the Little Old Man Baby

When my 17-month-old child was running around and hard to stay in one place, he somehow managed to dial Australia's emergency line. It seems like he was trying to reach his Nanna, but was startled when a stranger answered the phone.
Once I realized what he had done, I hung up the receiver. I continued with my butter chicken dinner, but fourteen minutes later, the police were at my doorstep. They came in urgently, looking for an elderly person who might have taken a tumble. The operator of the emergency line had asked various questions, but all she heard was a labored, deep breathing that she thought was an elderly person who was too hurt to speak. Fortunately, it was just a curious and mixed-up toddler panting. When we realized what had happened, I got my kid and presented him to the officers. One of them exclaimed, "That must be the criminal. Look at the guilty look on his face." To our surprise, my kid had a look of severe embarrassment. Possibly the first and last time he ever felt guilty for anything.
A Burger Worth Fighting for

When we were kids and by ourselves at home, my sibling dialed the cops on my brother because they were both after the exact same In 'N Out Burger. We had four burgers that were identical, yet they wanted the identical one. The police arrived to our house and lectured us on why it was inappropriate to call the police without a valid cause. Our mother came home in the middle of their conversation and was extremely angry.
Fortnite Saves the Day

I was a dispatcher. Recently, I received a call from an 11-year-old child who had lost his way while walking back from school. He was in a state of panic and had dialed 999. I advised him to remain at the same spot until the police officers arrived, who were not available for around 30 minutes. Thus, we conversed for 30 minutes about the game Fortnite. Although this was not a hilarious call, I found it quite delightful.
Grand Theft Auto in Real Life

A few years ago, a child called 911 on his sibling for stopping him from playing Xbox. The operator requested that I join in a three-way call. From the background, I heard someone yell, “HE’S TAKING THE TRUCK!” It seemed the parents had asked the kid to leave the Xbox and go outdoors, so the kid chose the rational decision and swiped the UPS truck outside.