Tasty and Healthy Side Dishes You Can Make In 5 Minutes

Tasty and Healthy Side Dishes You Can Make In 5 Minutes

Rachel - May 15,2023

Picture this: you've just finished cooking the main course for your dinner party night, and you're feeling pretty proud of yourself. You're just about to serve up when it hits you - you forgot about the side dishes!

With just a quarter of an hour left on the clock, what to do?

Don't panic, because we've got you covered with a list of delicious and healthy sides you can make in just 5 minutes. No more scrambling for last-minute ideas or running out to the store - with these easy-to-follow instructions and simple ingredients, you'll be able to create a variety of delectable sides to accompany your main dish in no time at all. So let's get started and save your dinner party night with these delicious and super-fast sides.

A Makeover for Mundane Carrots

Carrots are a kitchen staple that often get overlooked as a side dish or salad ingredient. But with a little creativity, these crunchy and nutritious veggies can be transformed into a delicious and colorful salad that will impress even the pickiest eaters.

One easy way to elevate your carrot salad game is by incorporating non-orange varieties. Visit your local farmers' market and you'll be surprised at the range of hues available, from yellow and purple to even white! This simple recipe calls for grated carrots, chopped mint and cilantro, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.

Broccoli You'll Actually Crave

We’re not talking about any mediocre steamed or boiled version here. This recipe is so simple that it redefines the term "low-maintenance". All you have to do is broil the broccoli for four minutes and then toss it with garlic, salt, and vinegar. That's it! The result is a deliciously crispy and flavorful side dish that will leave you wondering how you ever settled for plain old broccoli.

A New Use for Your Everyday Salad Dressing

Tired of the same old boring salad with vinaigrette? It's time to switch things up and give your taste buds a treat. Boiling green beans takes just five minutes and is an easy way to create a delicious side dish that's both tasty and nutritious.

Once boiled, simply pour your favorite dressing over the warm beans. The dressing will soak in and create a mouthwatering flavor sensation that you won't be able to resist. If you're feeling fancy, add some crumbled goat or feta cheese on top for an extra kick of tangy flavor.

Balsamic-Roasted Green Beans with Parmesan

Looking to add some variety to your Thanksgiving meal? Look no further than these roasted green beans with sweet balsamic vinegar and nutty Parmesan cheese. Roasting the green beans with shallots gives them a sweet, caramelized flavor that is simply irresistible. And the best part? They still retain some bite, adding a satisfying crunch to every bite. Plus these green beans are the perfect accompaniment to any main dish, whether it's chicken, fish, pork, or anything in between

The Speedy Slaw with a Touch of Intrigue

Don’t settle for the same old boring coleslaw drenched in heavy creams and mayonnaise, it's time to try something new and vibrant.

This version of coleslaw is both refreshing and colorful, made with shredded cabbage (green, red, Napa or Savoy) and juicy, sectioned oranges. The simple dressing is made with sesame oil, salt, and pepper, bringing out the natural flavors of the ingredients and adding a touch of zing. Not only is this coleslaw bursting with flavor, but it's also much healthier than the traditional creamy versions.

Sautéed Zucchini

This dish is simple yet elegant, with thinly sliced zucchini that caramelize beautifully in a splash of oil over medium-high heat. The result is a sweet and delicate flavor that will leave your taste buds wanting more. Don't be afraid to get creative with this recipe. Add some yellow squash or carrots for a pop of color, or use it as a delicious addition to your favorite egg dishes.

Marinated Cucumber & Tomato Salad

Looking for a way to savor the flavors of summer vegetables in a light and refreshing dish? This marinated salad is just the ticket. The beauty of this recipe lies in its versatility - you can easily tailor it to your taste preferences by adding in some fresh herbs or a sprinkle of tangy feta cheese. To take it up a notch, swap out plain ground pepper for seasoned pepper, which packs an extra punch of flavor.

Balsamic & Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower

When it comes to cooking cauliflower, roasting may not be your go-to method, but you might want to reconsider after trying this recipe. By slicing the florets into thick pieces and tossing them with olive oil and herbs, you get a deeply caramelized surface that adds a sweet and nutty taste to the dish. This easy and delicious roasted cauliflower is a great side dish for any meal, whether it's a weekday dinner or a special occasion.

Balsamic-Parmesan Sautéed Spinach

Spinach doesn't have to be boring or bland. This easy recipe brings out the best in this nutrient-rich green. A gentle sauté with garlic and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese give the spinach a subtle kick, while a drizzle of sweet balsamic vinegar adds a touch of sweetness. Don't forget to use mature spinach for the best texture and flavor.