Top 10 Rare Animals in the World

Top 10 Rare Animals in the World

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1、Javan rhinoceros: Javan rhinoceros is mainly distributed in Indonesia, this creature likes to live alone, so it is easy to be hunted, coupled with the destruction of habitat, is currently facing the crisis of extinction, only 35 heads remain in the world.

2、Far Eastern leopard: Far Eastern leopards like to live in cold areas, mainly in the northeast of China and the Russian Far East, the number of this animal in the world is less than a hundred, China's existing about 10 or so.

3、 Gulf of California porpoise: The Gulf of California porpoise is endemic to the northern Gulf of California and is the smallest of the cetaceans. The Gulf of California harbour porpoise is the most endangered cetacean in the world, known as the "marine panda", and has been listed as critically endangered since 1996. the estimated number of Gulf of California harbour porpoises was around 600 in 1997, and has since declined year by year until only 12 remain in 2018.

4、 Cross River gorilla: The Cross River gorilla is a subspecies of the West African gorilla and is the world's rarest gorilla. They mainly inhabit tropical forest areas and their numbers have been severely reduced due to loss of habitat and hunting for bushmeat, with the remaining 150-200 now living in fragmented, artificial divisions in five zones.

5、 Sumen rhinoceros: Sumen rhinoceros belongs to the two-legged rhinoceros, first appeared in the early Miocene, like to live alone, in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra and other areas have a small number of Sumen rhinoceros, belong to highly endangered species, only about 200 heads remain in the world.

6、 The golden-headed monkey is one of the most endangered animal species on the planet, with less than 70 remaining in its habitat, mainly in Vietnam, and in 2000 this primate was classified as a protected animal. But it is still facing extinction. 2003 saw the first rebound in the number of golden-headed monkeys in decades, but it is still not promising.

7、 Yangtze crocodile: The Yangtze crocodile is known as a "living fossil" and is an endemic species of crocodile in China.

8、South China Tiger: The South China tiger, also known as the "Chinese tiger", is a small to medium-sized species of tiger that preys on wild boars, deer, etc. It is currently facing extinction and is listed in the Red List of Critically Endangered Species.

9、 Asian elephant: Asian elephant is one of the largest animals on land, mainly in China's Myanmar and Laos and China's Yunnan Province and other areas, the current global number of less than 180 surviving.

10、 the slope deer: the slope deer looks very cute, and more like the plum deer, this animal to grass as the main food, mainly in Southeast Asia, in the early 21st century the number of a sharp decline in the situation, the number of less than 180 worldwide, Vietnam and Thailand and other countries in the slope deer almost extinct.