Why Doors of Public Toilet Don’t Reach the Floor

Why Doors of Public Toilet Don’t Reach the Floor

Lydia -

When using a public toilet, people will immediately notice that the door of the stall does not touch the floor. This seems strange because most people want privacy when they relax. There are several reasons why these stall doors leave a little space at the bottom. If you have ever been curious about this, wonder no more!

1. It makes cleaning easier.

The first reason for the extra space is that it makes cleaning the bathroom easier. The custodian can use his or her mop under the door without having to open and close the door. This can save time, especially in larger bathrooms. This also saves money for the custodian, because only one person can complete work that might otherwise require two people to complete.

2. If there is a medical emergency, it will not go unnoticed.

Imagine someone fainted in one of the stalls - this could be the result of anything. But since the door doesn’t go all the way down, it is easy to be noticed. In addition, in an emergency, it is easier to pull that person out of the stall, saving precious time.

3. It prevents people from doing things they shouldn't.

Since the stall is not completely closed, unwelcome behavior in public is not encouraged. Such as vandalism, graffiti, drug use, etc. Since such stalls began to be used on a global scale, this behavior has actually decreased. People do realize that this is a public place and avoid doing stupid things there.

4. It is much cheaper for the owner.

Ordinary doors need to be made according to the dynamics of the room, and this kind of stall can be placed in any type of room, and it can even reduce the cost by half. So it is easier to install, does not require much maintenance, and is cheaper.

5. It is easier to find that someone is doing their business.

There will be no unnecessary knocks. Anyone can judge whether there are people in this stall. This prevents unnecessary queues.

6. Someone can extend a helping hand to you.

A demand for public toilets - toilet paper! Thankfully, because these are not complete stalls, you won't walk out with a dirty and embarrassing face. A friend or even a stranger can easily give you one through the stall.