- Entertainment
The Most Daring Red Carpet Looks in Golden Globes History
The Golden Globe Awards ceremony is regarded as one of the most famous nights in Hollywood. Every year, celebrities pay famous designers a lot for a perfect dress or suit to show off their stuff. Actresses prefer making a point with their wild dresses, such as plunging necklines, exposed legs, uncovered cleavage. Feast your eyes on the following 30 of the most daring looks in Golden Globes history.
- Entertainment
Old Celebrities You Didn't Realize Are Still Alive and Kicking
“Golden Age” – the history when the most influential actors and actresses was thriving and kicking. It may be hard to believe, while the Golden Age was over half a century ago, many of Hollywood's Golden Age huge stars are still alive today! Here is a list of oldest living celebrities you probably forgot. They’ve lived for over a century, some of them had gone through WWII. Just because you don’t hear about them much anymore doesn’t mean they’ve passed on! In fact, a surprisingly large number of them remain active in the industry today. Check out these 49 famous names that you probably didn’t realize were still alive and well right now.
- Lifestyle
8 Ways Help You Get Away With Mosquitoes All Summer Long
When the summer heat rises, it’s hardly surprising that mosquitoes thrive, too. It’s no wonder you feel so miserable at this time of year! What can you do to get away from these pests? And how can you keep them out of your home in future? Here are some tips on how to keep those pesky mosquitoes away this summer without giving up on your favorite activities.
- Health
6 Benefits of Eating Fish
Fish is delicious with various cooking methods. It is a common flesh in people's daily diet. Fish is not only tasty, but also rich in nutrients. Eating fish is good for your health, and here are 6 benefits of it.
- Health
11 Signs Of Sleep Apnea
Snoring is often associated with a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Not all snorers have OSAS, but if snoring is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it may be an indication to see a doctor for further evaluation for OSA: Witnessed breathing pauses during sleep.
- Health
Eight Foods Are Proved To Be Beneficial For Asthma Patients
Can foods fight asthma? Although there are not any definitive evidence proved, there are some certain food may help avoid asthma. Although there's really no diet that will eliminate or cure asthma, there are some guidelines on what to eat to possibly help asthma, or at least not make it worse. Here we list eight foods in your daily life.
- Lifestyle
8 Scary Things That Happen When You Don’t Wear Sunscreen
Your skin is never safe while unprotected. Many may mistakenly associate skin damage from the sun with only sunburns or long-period expose to the sun. And think” Oh, I don't need sunscreen, I'll be in the indoors most of the time" Think again! Even it’s on a cloudy day or when indoors, UVA rays, one kind of radiation can still penetrate glass and reach your skin. The damage of skipping sunscreen is irreversible. The scariest thing, of course, is the increased risk of skin cancer!
- Health
Eight Trigger Foods To Avoid With Asthma
Asthma is a disease that's driven by inflammation. According to the American Lung Association, there are more than 26 million Americans suffered from asthma, which makes them breath difficult and have a high health care cost.
- Health
Seven Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease where your airways narrow and swell and may also produce extra mucus. It is easy to make breathing difficult. Sometime, it may trigger death. Recent medical condition can not provide a way to cure the asthma, but its symptoms can be controlled effectively.
- Lifestyle
6 Steps to Increase Your Communication Skills in the Workplace
When it comes to the modern workforce, communication has become a vitally important skill for employees to have. Organizations need employees who are able to collaborate with their colleagues and solve problems in order to succeed. If you’re looking for ways to improve your communication skills in the workplace, keep reading! This article highlights six key steps you can take today to start improving your communication skills in the office.