- Lifestyle
The Top10 Hottest Peppers in the World
The hotness of the chili is measured by Scoville. And what is the hottest chili in the world? What are the ten hottest peppers in the world? Let's take a look.
- Lifestyle
8 Tips from Chefs for Cooking Perfect Eggs
Always available, relatively cheap, and full of healthy protein and amino acids, eggs are always the first choice for cooking. Cooking eggs may seem to be easy and straightforward, but these tips from chef will turn your eggs from just fine to perfect. Here are 8 tips from chefs to cook your perfect eggs.
- Pets
Top 7 Slowest Animals in the World
You might have seen enough fast moving animals like cheetah in land, who’s capable of running up to 70 miles an hour. But would you be able to name any super-slow animals? Here we’ve put together a list of the 7 slowest animals in the world. Continue reading to discover just how slow some animals move!
- Pets
6 Most Critically Endangered Species in the World
There are various animals in the world, but due to the destruction of their living environment, human hunting, climate change and other reasons, many of them are in an endangered state and has become the objects of protection by countries all over the world. A species is classified as endangered when its population has declined between 50 and 70 percent. Here we’ve gathered top6 most endangered rare animals, national treasures of the world, so that everyone has an understanding of some very few animals.
- Lifestyle
7 Low-maintenance Plants for Anyone to Grow in House
Most houseplants can take good care of themselves, so all you need to do is to care for the baby plants produced by them. The following plants can be placed at your balcony to get the indirect sunlight. They also like the same room temperature as human beings(55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit). Of course there are some pests-related disease, but the most common ones come from root rot as you water them too much. Thus these plants are perfect for those who always forget to water their plants.
- Pets
The Top 7 Most Suitable Cats for Keeping at Home
Cats are one of the most common pets, but every cute kitten hides a beast in its heart. What cat breed is suitable for keeping at home? What kind of cat is smart, gentle, easy to approach and raise? Beginners can try these most suitable pet cats.
- Pets
Do You Know the 6 Things That Dogs Usually Do after You Fall Asleep?
You will definitely be curious, what is your dog doing quietly after everyone has fallen asleep at night? Most dogs usually do these 6 things after their owners fall asleep. What about your dog?
- Pets
"Little Old Man" Schnauzer Has These 8 Characteristics. Is Your Schnauzer Like This?
Schnauzer is often nicknamed as "little old man". Some people find it ugly, but many people find it unique, beautiful and cute. Schnauzer is a dog with a very distinctive personality, and they are so different from other dogs.
- Lifestyle
6 Ways to Keep Your Home Air Clean
In a nutshell, winter indoor air is often even more toxic than summer indoor air because there is typically less ventilation from opening windows or doors; very low humidity. With naturally drier winter air, your respiratory system and sinuses get quickly dried out, causing irritation and making it easier for cold and flu germs, allergens, and bacteria to take hold. Since it getting cold, the reliance on heat production is increased. Heat production not only further dries out your indoor air but also adds more of certain toxins into your indoor air. In this article, we’ve gathered six quick tips to clean up your indoor air during the cold season so you can be sure to stay healthy all winter long outdoors and indoors.
- Health
7 Fruits You Should Eat in Rigid Winter to Stay Healthy
You may not have realized it at first or have not yet correlated your suddenly faulty immune system with your exposure to sunlight, but you are not getting sicker simply because it is colder outside. You are buying your local superstore out of tissues because the nutrients you get from being outdoors are not in your winter diet! It’s time to fill your shopping cart with the winter fruits and vegetables that are beneficial for your family and loved ones. Here we’ve gathered 7 fruits that have huge benefits, to help maintain adequate nutrition and full vitality. Keep reading to what they are.