6 Least Intelligent Dog Breeds While They're Actually Not 'Dumb'
You have probably seen or heard about how smart some dogs are. Mostly everyone wants an intelligent dog that can be trained to do things that most dogs can’t. On the other hand, some people don’t. It all depends on what you want to do with the dog. Some dogs are often considered not smart because they are not easy to train, or they are easily distracted by smell, which is how people breed them.

1.Basset Hound
People usually think that the Basset Hound is not smart because it’s not a very energetic dog. As a hunting dog, it’s easily distracted by the smell. But the Basset Hound's sense of smell is really good. They can take a moderate amount of food motivation training. Dogs with long backs and short legs may have back or joint problems, which may affect their ability to learn and concentrate.

Beagles are often considered dumb because they are scent hounds and are easily distracted. When dogs follow the smell, we should not think that their intelligence is low, because they are just doing what we train them to do. Smell is very important to dogs, so being distracted by smell is the nature of many dogs.

Bulldogs are often considered not smart enough because they are stubborn and difficult to train. Bulldogs are breeds that people selectively bred and have serious health problems. The skin on their faces is also wrinkled, and they are susceptible to yeast infections and other skin problems. All these problems make it difficult for bulldogs to concentrate and learn, or participate in sports activities.

The Pekingese has a flat face and may have the same breathing problems as a bulldog. They are also not the easiest dogs to train, because they don't like a lot of exercise. Their job is to hang out with their owners, lie on their laps, and be a cute dog. They accomplished this very well.

Chihuahuas have a great personality, which means that if you try to get them to do things they don't want to do, they may resist. Part of the reason they are seen as not so smart is that they tend to be easily scared. Fear also prevents them from learning or responding to training.

People mistakenly think that mastiffs are not very smart because they are very laid-back. Their physical characteristics may make people think they are not that smart. These assumptions are based only on the appearance of the mastiff, or how quickly they react to something. But this is not a good measure of intelligence.