6 Most Critically Endangered Species in the World
There are various animals in the world, but due to the destruction of their living environment, human hunting, climate change and other reasons, many of them are in an endangered state and has become the objects of protection by countries all over the world. A species is classified as endangered when its population has declined between 50 and 70 percent. Here we’ve gathered top6 most endangered rare animals, national treasures of the world, so that everyone has an understanding of some very few animals.
1. Javan Rhinoceros

Only between 46 to 67 individual Javan rhinos are currently estimated to remain in the world, making this critically endangered rhino species one of the most threatened large mammal species on Earth. They’re confined to one park on the extreme southwestern tip of the Indonesian island of Java. They are so highly prized that a Javan rhino horn can sell for up to $30,000 per kg on the black market.
2. Sea Turtles

Next on our endangered species list are sea turtles. Two species of sea turtle are critically endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Hawksbill Turtles and Kemps Ridley Turtles. Leatherback sea turtles are classified as Vulnerable, though the population is decreasing and several subpopulations are facing extinction.
Hunting is one of the biggest threats to sea turtles, with poachers targeting their eggs, shells, meat and skin.
3. North Atlantic right whale

There are currently only around 400 of them left, and only about 100 breeding females. They are now protected, and hunting is illegal. Finally, climate change and changing sea temperatures may affect food availability, which will have a knock-on effect on survival and reproductive rates.
4. Asian Elephant

The numbers of Asian Elephant have plummeted by at least 50% in the past three generations. A large portion of the world’s human population now lives in or near Asian elephant habitat, which has dwindled to just 15% of its historic range. Across Asia, the pace of human development has devastated elephant populations at an alarming rate. Habitat loss and fragmentation and pressures from poaching and the live elephant trade pose an ever-growing threat to these nomads.
5. South China Tiger

The South China tiger is only distributed in China. It is a unique tiger subspecies in China. It is a national first-level protected animal. It is listed as one of the ten critically endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. ) 2012 Red List of Endangered Species ver 3.1-Extinction in the Wild. At present, all surviving South China tigers are raised in zoos.
6. Gorilla

There are probably only around 220,000 left in the wild, and are endangered now. Habitat encroachment and poaching for bushmeat, trophies, and magical talismans have led to substantial losses. Because their social structure is so complex, they reproduce slowly.