Do You Know the 6 Things That Dogs Usually Do after You Fall Asleep?

Do You Know the 6 Things That Dogs Usually Do after You Fall Asleep?

Nikita -

You will definitely be curious, what is your dog doing quietly after everyone has fallen asleep at night? Most dogs usually do these 6 things after their owners fall asleep. What about your dog?

1.Patrol around

Some dogs are very vigilant, and even a little sound can attract their attention. At night, they will patrol the surrounding area for the safety of their families. They will see if there is any dangerous person or thing sneaking in.

After the patrol, they will consciously return to sleep next to their owner, and wake up vigilantly when there is a movement, even if there is a slight movement.

2.Sleep with the owner

Many dogs like to follow their owners, so their habits are very similar to their owners’. When the owner sleeps, they also sleep with the owner. When the owner gets up, the dog will also get up.

If the owner wakes up and does not get up, they will continue to sleep with the owner until the owner gets up. They always keep pace with their owners. Some dogs even imitate their owners snoring...

3.Run around the house

The owner finally fells asleep, and it's time for free activities!

For these energetic dogs, they are quite a headache. They are also very smart, knowing that the owner can't control them while sleeping. They start the crazy play mode and entertain themselves.

After waking up the owner, they are happier, thinking that the owner can go out with them when he wakes up.

4.Stare at the owner

Some people say that they always see a huge dog face when they wake up in the morning. He then checked the surveillance and found that his dog was always staring at him while he was sleeping at night.

The owner can't help wondering: What does the dog mean? Do you love me so much and stare all the time? Of course the answer is yes!

5.Lick the owner's face

Some people say that “I was licked by my dog! It's licking my face!”

It is very common for dogs to like to lick people. Some dogs will lick the owner's face while the owner is sleeping, or touch the owner's face with his head from time to time.

In fact, this is also because dogs like their owners.

6.Get into the trash can

Dogs are foodies, and trash cans have an inexplicable attraction for dogs. Owners usually stop them when they see dogs getting into the trash can.

So dogs will think that it is the best opportunity to do it when the owner can’t see them, the owner is not at home, or while the owner is sleeping at night.

Once you find this kind of behavior of the dog, it’s suggested to stop them in time, so as not to develop into a habit. It’s not good to eat the wrong thing and have diarrhea.