The Top 7 Most Suitable Cats for Keeping at Home

The Top 7 Most Suitable Cats for Keeping at Home

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Cats are one of the most common pets, but every cute kitten hides a beast in its heart. What cat breed is suitable for keeping at home? What kind of cat is smart, gentle, easy to approach and raise? Beginners can try these most suitable pet cats.

1. British shorthair cats

British shorthair cat, as an ancient cat breed, its history can be traced back to the ancient Roman period. British shorthair cats are chubby and have stubby limbs. Their hair is short and dense, the head is big and the face is round. They are gentle and calm, friendly to people, and easy to raise. Their average life span is 15-20 years, and the average weight can reach 4 to 8 kg.

2. Persian cats

Persian cats are the most common long-haired cats. They have a lovely face, long and gorgeous back hair, and elegant demeanor, so they are called "Prince of Cats" and "Princesses". It is one of the most favorite purebred cats of cat lovers in the world.

Persian cats are gentle, responsive, understanding, less moving, quiet, noble and gorgeous. Their sound is slender and pleasant, with a strong ability to adapt to the environment. But in summer it hates being hugged and likes to sleep alone on the floor. It is such a proud cat.

3. Ragdolls

The Ragdolls, also known as "Brador", originated in the United States and is a hybrid pet cat. It is one of the largest and heaviest cats in existence. Their eyes are large and round, the limbs are longer, the tail is long, and the body is soft.

Ragdolls are more docile, quiet, and friendly to people. Its beauty and elegance are very similar to the character of a dog, and it is also called "fairy cat" and "puppy cat". The special appearance and gentle personality are one of the biggest characteristics of puppet cats. The puppet cats are good at pleasing their owners and always go round their owners inseparably.

4. Berman cat

According to legend, it was first raised by monks in ancient Burmese temples and gradually entered into Europe in the 18th century. The Berman cat is longer, and the coat is mainly light golden yellow. Quite distinctive is that the ends of the limbs of the Berman cat are white, making it more noble. The Berman cat is gentle, very friendly, has a pleasant sound, likes to company with others, and is very friendly to other cats.

5. The Maine Coon cat

The Maine Coon cat is named so because it was native to Maine, USA. It was the first long-haired cat breed naturally produced in North America. It became a relatively stable breed in 18th century. Maine Coon cats are strong, docile, close to people, intelligent, independent, considerate, and good pets. Maine Coon cats are brave and clever, and like to be alone, but they can get along well with people and are good pets.

6. Abyssinian cat

Legend has it that the modern Abyssinian cat is the descendant of the ancient Egyptian cat worshiped as a "sacred thing" in ancient Egypt. The Abyssinian cat has a soft and flexible body, and its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a Siamese cat, but the overall body is a little plumper than that of a Siamese cat. Abyssinian cats have wedge-shaped faces and large, pointed ears. There is also a dark color circle around the eyes, like eyeliner.

7. Chinchilla cat

The original meaning of the Chinchilla cat is the name of a chinchilla, and its ancestors are the Angora and Persian cats. Chinchilla is the earliest pure artificial breeding, a characteristic cat breed that has been carefully bred for many years. The origin country is the United Kingdom. The hair is thick, long and silky. They are aristocrats among cats. Their temperament is gentle, smart and quick, understanding, less moving and quiet. The cry is shrill and soft.