Unconventional Beauty Ideals Pursued in Various Regions Across the Globe

Unconventional Beauty Ideals Pursued in Various Regions Across the Globe

Lydia -

These fascinating pictures provide further evidence that perceptions of beauty vary from person to person. The criteria for what is considered attractive and desirable in terms of physical appearance differ from one nation to another, and what one person finds unappealing, another may find beautiful. As you browse through these exceptional images that illustrate global beauty standards and trends, remember to keep this in mind.

Untouched Unibrows - Tajikistan

In Western societies, having less body hair is considered more attractive. Therefore, many people go through the process of hair removal for their entire body. People also put a lot of effort into grooming their eyebrows to make sure that no hair is out of place. However, this is not the same in Tajikistan. Instead, having a lot of facial hair, particularly a uni-brow, is considered a sign of beauty.

Both genders, including boys and girls, are encouraged to pursue the ideal of having a uni-brow. It is not uncommon to see children artificially create one even if they were not born with it.