20 Surprising Things That Are Actually Damaging Your Kidneys

20 Surprising Things That Are Actually Damaging Your Kidneys

Kim -

7. Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages have been infused with carbon dioxide gas. The tricks of these beverages are the bubbles and fizzing. Although carbonated beverages are refreshing and tasty, too much drinking may lead to obesity and other different health problems.

It will not only increase your blood pressure but also reduce your kidney function. What's more, research suggests that drinking too much soda drinks will cause more insulin produced by the pancreas. And high levels of insulin can increase the risks of many serious health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and pancreatic cancer.

Beware, drinking carbonated beverages frequently can also hike the chance of developing Alzheimer's and damaging your liver. Some fizzy drinks are loaded with up to 10 teaspoons of sugar per can, and some may have fake sweeteners and caffeine. So, think twice before indulging in them!

The good news is that you can swap it out for other healthier drinks, such as juice, coconut water, tea, or just plain water. Feeling unenthusiastic about those options? Well, you could opt for a glass of red wine instead.