People Opening Up About Their Deepest Secrets on Social Media

People Opening Up About Their Deepest Secrets on Social Media

Rachel -

Who Needs a Degree?

Have you ever scrolled through your social media feed and stumbled upon someone confessing to lying their way into some pretty questionable actions? Well, it turns out that it happens in real life too! One confession was from someone who admitted to lying about having a university degree to land a job. While it may be impressive that they were able to pull it off, it's concerning that they're now in a position where they may not be qualified for the role.

It makes us wonder, what was their motivation for lying? Did they not think they were good enough to get the job on their own merit? Or did they simply want to take a shortcut to success? Regardless, this confession really makes us question the value we place on degrees and certifications.

Boxing Know-How

This person confesses to teaching rich, old people how to box, despite not having any boxing background himself! We can't help but wonder if they faked their resume like so many others have been caught doing. Or maybe they have some connections in the industry that got them the job. Nepotism is a real thing, after all.

But here's the real question: how ethical is it to teach people a sport that you don't actually have any expertise in? Are they putting these rich folks in danger by giving them incorrect or unsafe instructions? And what about the sport itself? Could this person be completely reinventing boxing as we know it? It's all a bit concerning, to be honest.