Tiny House Created by Converting a Truck

Tiny House Created by Converting a Truck

Rachel -

As soon as the concept of a "tiny home" emerged on the internet, the prospect of designing a small living space in a highly sophisticated manner became quite attractive. The idea of crafting a sustainable abode, distinct from the conventional homes in urban areas, further cemented our decision to pursue this endeavor.

As designers, artists, and environmental advocates, my partner Rose and I have been grappling with the escalating cost of living in the city. Realizing that owning a house may not be feasible for us in the future, we decided to construct our own home as a valuable opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Drawing inspiration from a treehouse we rented in Mexico and some beach houses in the same locality, we aimed to create a dwelling that seamlessly blends with its surroundings. We were intrigued by the way these structures coexisted with nature. Consequently, we chose wood as our primary building material and applied a clear coat to showcase the natural grain. The result is a home that exudes a lively vibe with distinct patterns and intricate details adorning every surface.

Apart from being constructed on a motorhome chassis, our compact abode boasts several distinct characteristics. Notably, it includes a conveniently located skylight right above our sleeping quarters, enabling us to gaze at the twinkling stars at night. Additionally, we have a full bathtub, a roof that collects rainwater, a solar-powered 100% DC electricity system, and an impressive array of 14 windows that flood the interiors with natural light.