20 Signs of High Blood Sugar

20 Signs of High Blood Sugar

Enchant - June 12,2023

15. Impotence or infertility:

Erectile dysfunction is a sensitive issue that many men avoid discussing, but seeking advice from a doctor is crucial if you encounter this problem. Elevated blood sugar thickens the blood and damages blood vessels, leading to potential difficulties in the blood supply to the penis and the ability to achieve and sustain an erection. This can be distressing for both the affected individual and their partner, possibly resulting in depression and other mood disorders.

It is important to consult a doctor who will investigate the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction. While high blood sugar levels can be a contributing factor, heart disease, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol levels can also play a role. If you have high blood sugar levels, adopting a healthy diet and exercise regimen can help lower them and prevent nerve damage. Additionally, counseling to address the stress and anxiety associated with erectile dysfunction is recommended, and if necessary, medication may be prescribed by your doctor.

For women, high blood sugar levels can impact fertility. Elevated sugar levels disrupt hormone balance in the body, potentially hindering pregnancy. Prolonged high blood sugar levels may lead to insulin resistance, which affects ovulation and the attachment of fertilized eggs to the uterus. Women with high blood sugar levels are also prone to yeast infections that can impede the sperm's journey to the egg. It is crucial for women planning to conceive to maintain normal blood sugar levels and take necessary steps to improve their chances of becoming pregnant.