20 Surprising Factors That Can Harm Your Kidneys

20 Surprising Factors That Can Harm Your Kidneys

Enchant - June 09,2023

15. The Impact of Contrast Dyes in Imaging Procedures

When undergoing imaging tests to examine blood vessels, a contrast dye is often injected into the bloodstream to enhance visibility. This procedure, commonly used in CT scans with contrast or coronary x-rays, helps doctors identify blocked blood vessels and detect other organ problems.

While the dye is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning, it can have adverse effects on the kidneys, known as contrast-induced nephropathy. Studies suggest that 1% to 3% of individuals who receive contrast dye may experience kidney complications. The risk is particularly higher for those with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, advanced age, or chronic heart failure. However, anyone undergoing radiology procedures should have their kidney function assessed by a doctor, even if they don't have known kidney issues.

Preventive measures can help minimize the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy. It's important to request a kidney function test before the procedure and strictly follow instructions regarding fluid intake prior to the test. Additionally, it's advisable to consult a doctor to determine when to stop taking certain medications that can potentially harm the kidneys, especially those that reduce kidney blood flow. Making informed decisions about our diet and lifestyle is crucial to support proper kidney function, as kidneys are vital organs responsible for our overall well-being.