20 Surprising Factors That Can Harm Your Kidneys

20 Surprising Factors That Can Harm Your Kidneys

Enchant - June 09,2023

16. The Importance of Addressing Kidney Infections

Kidney infections can be extremely painful and have a prolonged recovery period. Neglecting to address a kidney infection promptly can lead to discomfort and complications. Often, kidney infections result from untreated bladder infections, making it crucial to seek treatment for bladder infections before they spread to the kidneys.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a kidney infection is essential. Symptoms may resemble those of a bladder infection, including a burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, cloudy urine with a distinct odor, and the presence of blood or pus in the urine. Fever and sensitivity in the kidney area are additional indicators of a kidney infection.

Delaying treatment for a kidney infection increases the risk of permanent kidney damage. Moreover, viral infections in other parts of the body, such as the flu, can also harm the kidneys. Resting during an infection is crucial for recovery, as it allows the organs, including the kidneys, to work more efficiently in fighting off the infection. Straining the kidneys by not resting enough can lead to lasting damage and negatively impact kidney function.