Unveiling the World's Most Valuable Collectors' Items

Unveiling the World's Most Valuable Collectors' Items

Rachel - June 09,2023

24. Thor Pez Dispenser (Original Price: $1-$5* Worth Today: $10-$30*)

Aside from his lightning bolts, hammer, and rule over the Asgardians, the God of Thunder, Thor, has become quite the collector's item himself. You'll be surprised to find that even a vintage Thor Pez dispenser, featuring his helmeted head on top, can fetch you a decent sum of $10-$20.

While this particular Pez dispenser may not reach the staggering heights of the $32,205 resale value of the 1982 World's Fair Astronaut B, it's still a worthy investment that can bring you a handsome profit. By the way, if you happen to come across any toys from the 1960s, one out of every three, Thor-themed or not, could be worth a cool $100.