Unveiling the World's Most Valuable Collectors' Items

Unveiling the World's Most Valuable Collectors' Items

Rachel - June 09,2023

36. Bottle Caps (Original Price: $0* Worth Today: $10-$50 per collection*)

Believe it or not, there's a market for everything, even bottle caps, and eBay is the place to be. If you're a bottle cap collector, you can make some money by selling your collection, no matter how big or small, especially if you have unique caps from beers, sodas, or water bottles.

Take, for example, a collection of 100 red Budweiser Crown beer bottle caps. It's currently listed on eBay for $11. Another collection of a hundred caps is priced at $13. Just a tip: if you're planning to sell your collection, make sure you have at least fifty caps or more to attract buyers.