The Quiz is Tailored for Baby Boomers Only

The Quiz is Tailored for Baby Boomers Only

Test your knowledge of Baby Boomers! Born after World War II, Baby Boomers were the generation resulting from soldiers returning home and becoming parents. Spanning from 1946 to 1964, they were the largest generation until the rise of millennials, with both groups now boasting around 70 million individuals in the United States. Often considered to have had simpler lives than today's millennials, some argue that life was better back then.

The Baby Boomer generation was recognized as the most educated of its time, with many utilizing the G.I. Bill for education and home purchases. Can you recall enough about that era? If you're a Baby Boomer, test your knowledge. If you're not, see if you absorbed enough growing up. Share your Baby Boomer know-how and let us know how you fare!