Here Are A Few Almost Unseen Photographs From The Past

Here Are A Few Almost Unseen Photographs From The Past

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Louis Reard & Model

It is simple to become a fashion designer - just add a few accessories to some jeans and give it your label. Nevertheless, Louis Reard from France is one of a few people in the world who can claim to have created an entire new type of clothing. Back in 1946, he presented the bikini for the first time, however, his invention was not welcomed. Fast forward 70 years, the influence he had on the fashion industry is indisputable.

Young Bill & Hillary

It is widely acknowledged that the marriage between former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, and his wife, Hillary (the former Senator from New York State), has had its moments of both joy and struggle throughout the decades. Nonetheless, we may not remember that they were once in the prime of their life and deeply in love when they first encountered each other at Yale University in 1970 during the "Summer of Love". This picture serves as a reminder of the passion and enthusiasm that existed between the two during the beginning of their romance.