How Much Do you Know About American Cities? Let's Test It Out!

How Much Do you Know About American Cities? Let's Test It Out!

6. Which body of water borders the East Coast of the United States?

Correct Incorrect The Atlantic Ocean, covering an area of about 106,460,000 square kilometers (41,100,000 square miles), is the world's second-largest ocean. It lies between the Americas in the west and Europe and Africa in the east, with connections to both the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean to the south and north, respectively. The Atlantic is home to a multitude of islands, including the Caribbean islands, the Azores, and the British Isles. It features diverse habitats such as coral reefs, kelp forests, and deep-sea trenches. The ocean teems with various fish species, cetaceans, and other marine life, making it a vital source of food for numerous countries around the globe.

6. Which body of water borders the East Coast of the United States?

  • Pacific Ocean
  • Black Sea
  • Atlantic Ocean
  • East Ocean