If You're Reading this, Don't EVER Break Your Back Trying to "Axe off" Wood
WINNER: New genius design in the field of woodworking has made splitting wood EASIER and SAFER than ever.
My dad is a lifelong carpenter who lives off processing firewood.
Throughout the years, he would take on the job of chopping wood, doing whatever he could to provide for our family.
Back in the day, his skilled hands and strong arms would effortlessly wield the axe, and with each swing, a log would yield into perfectly sized firewood. However, now it seems like it's in the past.
As age began to catch up with him, splitting wood has become a really THOUGH thing...
Though he kept it secret, I could still notice he was tired and pinched nerves going on in his hands and forearms. Every time he tried to swing the axe, the back pain became so excruciating that he had to stop, making it impossible for him to do the thing he once took so much pride in...