Can You Name All These Car Parts?

Can You Name All These Car Parts?

The single, continuous belt used to drive multiple peripheral devices in an automotive engine, such as an alternator, power steering pump, water pump, air conditioning compressor, air pump, etc., is known as what?

Correct Incorrect Serpentine belt--Your car's serpentine belt is one of the unsung heroes of the entire engine, as everything would grind to a halt if it broke. This long, continuous strip of rubber gives life to important components such as the alternator, power steering pump and air conditioning compressor.

The single, continuous belt used to drive multiple peripheral devices in an automotive engine, such as an alternator, power steering pump, water pump, air conditioning compressor, air pump, etc., is known as what?

  • Super band
  • Serpentine belt
  • Peddler
  • Power strip