High School History Challenge: How Much Can You Recall?

High School History Challenge: How Much Can You Recall?

QUESTION 33-What is a true fact about the infamous Tuskegee Experiment, a secret 40-year study on 400 black men with syphilis conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service?

Correct Incorrect All of the above: The Tuskegee Experiment was a secret study on 400 African-American men with syphilis from 1932 to 1972. The researchers withheld penicillin from them and went to great lengths to prevent them from obtaining it elsewhere. Thankfully, a brave whistleblower exposed the experiment and led to significant legal changes to protect human subjects of scientific studies.

QUESTION 33-What is a true fact about the infamous Tuskegee Experiment, a secret 40-year study on 400 black men with syphilis conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service?

  • At the study's end, 128 men had died from syphilis.
  • The subjects were never treated, even after a cure existed.
  • The subjects were told they were being treated for 'bad blood.'
  • All of the above.