Can You Get Your Fill Of This Awesome Restaurant Quiz?

Can You Get Your Fill Of This Awesome Restaurant Quiz?

QUESTION 52-A major part of being a successful fast food restaurant is making sure the service is, well, fast! That's why many establishments incorporate hospitality "POS" systems. What does "POS" stand for?

Correct Incorrect Point Of Sale - In order to provide the fastest service possible, fast food restaurants all around the world use hospitality point of sale (POS) systems. With the use of this technology, employees can order, prepare, and distribute meals in a timely manner.

QUESTION 52-A major part of being a successful fast food restaurant is making sure the service is, well, fast! That's why many establishments incorporate hospitality "POS" systems. What does "POS" stand for?

  • Proof Of Service
  • Point Over Service
  • Point Of Sale
  • Patty Over Sauce