Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

QUESTION 15-Male Darwin frogs are responsible for rearing the young from eggs to tadpoles and through metamorphosis, until they are frogs. What is the unique way in which they rear their young?

Correct Incorrect They swallow them: In a fascinating behavior unique to male Darwin frogs, they ingest their eggs a few days prior to their transformation into tadpoles. These eggs are stored within their vocal sacs until they develop into fully formed frogs, at which point they are regurgitated and released to embark on their independent lives.

QUESTION 15-Male Darwin frogs are responsible for rearing the young from eggs to tadpoles and through metamorphosis, until they are frogs. What is the unique way in which they rear their young?

  • They swallow them
  • They sing to them
  • They constantly spit on them to keep them wet
  • They sit on them