Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

QUESTION 32-What is the name of the endangered fish that can grow to be over 6 feet long, and has a prominent bulge on its forehead?

Correct Incorrect Humphead Wrasse: The humphead wrasse, also recognized as the Napoleon wrasse or Maori wrasse, is a threatened fish species that can reach a length of 6 feet. These fish predominantly navigate coral reefs in search of prey with hard shells, such as mollusks, starfish, and crustaceans.

QUESTION 32-What is the name of the endangered fish that can grow to be over 6 feet long, and has a prominent bulge on its forehead?

  • Angler Fish
  • Humphead Wrasse
  • Ocean Sunfish
  • Black Swallower