Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

QUESTION 51-This long thin creature can puff itself up or shrink itself down. What is the name of this deep sea creature that can open its mouth so wide it can swallow creatures of its own size?

Correct Incorrect Gulper Eel: The gulper eel, also referred to as the pelican eel, possesses the remarkable ability to open its mouth wide enough to engulf prey that is comparable in size to itself. Additionally, it can expand or contract its body size. These eels inhabit depths ranging from 1,640 feet to 1.83 miles (500 m to 3 km).

QUESTION 51-This long thin creature can puff itself up or shrink itself down. What is the name of this deep sea creature that can open its mouth so wide it can swallow creatures of its own size?

  • Leafy Seadragon
  • Goblin Shark
  • Gulper Eel
  • Frilled Shark