Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

Take A Dive Into This Amazing Sea Creatures Quiz!

QUESTION 56-What is the name of the creature who lives very deep in the ocean and can devour prey twice its length and up to 10 times its mass?

Correct Incorrect Black Swallower: The black swallower, a fish species, exhibits the extraordinary ability to consume prey twice its own length and up to 10 times its weight. It thrives in the depths of the ocean, residing as far beneath the surface as 10,000 feet.

QUESTION 56-What is the name of the creature who lives very deep in the ocean and can devour prey twice its length and up to 10 times its mass?

  • Gulper Eel
  • Black Swallower
  • Napoleon Wrasse
  • Coelacanth