Can You Handle The Delicious Challenge of This Food Quiz?

Can You Handle The Delicious Challenge of This Food Quiz?

QUESTION 37-Numerous food items have been discovered in tombs across the globe. Which one of these remained edible?

Correct Incorrect 5,000-year-old honey found in Egypt---Various foods have been unearthed in tombs worldwide, providing valuable insights into the history of different cultures. While all the discovered foods could be identified with some investigation, only one managed to retain its nutritional value and remained unspoiled: the 5,000-year-old honey found in Egypt.

QUESTION 37-Numerous food items have been discovered in tombs across the globe. Which one of these remained edible?

  • 3,000-year-old butter found in Ireland
  • 2,400-year-old bone soup found in China
  • 2,000-year-old beef jerky found in China
  • 5,000-year-old honey found in Egypt