Can You Handle The Delicious Challenge of This Food Quiz?

Can You Handle The Delicious Challenge of This Food Quiz?

QUESTION 42-What does the term "poaching" mean?

Correct Incorrect Gently simmering in liquid at low temperatures on the stovetop---Poaching refers to gently simmering food in liquid at low temperatures on the stovetop. It involves placing the food in a pan of liquid brought to a simmer, which allows for delicate cooking without browning. Poaching is a technique used when a gentle cooking method without browning is desired.

QUESTION 42-What does the term "poaching" mean?

  • Boiling to reduce broth
  • Gently simmering in liquid at low temperatures on the stovetop
  • Cooking in a water bath in the oven
  • Waiting until no one is looking and kidnapping a cow