Wonders of the World Trivia: Show off Your Expertise in this Exciting Quiz

Wonders of the World Trivia: Show off Your Expertise in this Exciting Quiz

QUESTION 38-Which country is highlighted in this picture?

Correct Incorrect Germany: Germany, located in central Europe, shares borders with several countries. To the north, it is bordered by Poland and Denmark. In the east, it is bordered by the Czech Republic. Austria and Switzerland lie to the south, while France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands form their western borders. Germany's central location and strong economy have positioned it as a powerhouse in Europe. It is known for its technological advancements, manufacturing prowess, and contributions to various industries. As one of the largest economies in the world, Germany plays a significant role in shaping the political and economic landscape of the region.

QUESTION 38-Which country is highlighted in this picture?

  • Ireland
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • France