Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

QUESTION 20-A prominent player in the beauty market, which of the following personal care companies is widely recognized for the iconic catchphrase "Because You're Worth It"?

Correct Incorrect L'Oréal S.A., headquartered in Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine, is a leading French personal care company and the largest cosmetics company globally. While they have had other notable slogans, none are as synonymous with the brand as "Because You're Worth It." This catchphrase emphasizes L'Oreal's commitment to providing products that make individuals feel valued and deserving of quality beauty care.

QUESTION 20-A prominent player in the beauty market, which of the following personal care companies is widely recognized for the iconic catchphrase "Because You're Worth It"?

  • Estée Lauder
  • MAC
  • L'Oreal
  • Revlon