Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

QUESTION 31-Founded in 1926, which insurance and financial services company claims to be "On Your Side" in their memorable jingle?

Correct Incorrect The captivating jingle "Nationwide Is On Your Side" was introduced to the public in 1965 by composer Steve Karmen. Nationwide is a group of large U.S. insurance and financial services companies headquartered in Columbus, OH.

QUESTION 31-Founded in 1926, which insurance and financial services company claims to be "On Your Side" in their memorable jingle?

  • State Farm
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Allstate
  • Nationwide