Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

QUESTION 41-Which car company's slogan "Vorsprung durch Technik" translates to "Advancement Through Technology" in English?

Correct Incorrect Audi's slogan "Vorsprung durch Technik" translates to "Advancement Through Technology" in English. This memorable tagline celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021.

QUESTION 41-Which car company's slogan "Vorsprung durch Technik" translates to "Advancement Through Technology" in English?

  • Lexus
  • Audi
  • Acura
  • Volvo