Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

QUESTION 54-Chevrolet replaced its "Chevy Runs Deep" tagline in 2013 with what slogan? Fill in the blank: "Find New _____."

Correct Incorrect In 2013, Chevrolet introduced the slogan "Find New Roads" as a replacement for the "Chevy Runs Deep" tagline. This change aimed to better capture the brand's spirit and innovation.

QUESTION 54-Chevrolet replaced its "Chevy Runs Deep" tagline in 2013 with what slogan? Fill in the blank: "Find New _____."

  • Roads
  • Ways
  • Horizons
  • Paths