Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

Put your marketing knowledge to the test! Can you match these famous slogans to their respective brands? Take our clever marketing quiz and find out!

QUESTION 72-Gatorade, invented in 1965, has employed numerous slogans over the years. Which of the following was never one of them?

Correct Incorrect "Unleash the Beast" is the slogan used for Monster energy drinks, not Gatorade. Gatorade has utilized many different taglines, but "Unleash the Beast" is not one of them.

QUESTION 72-Gatorade, invented in 1965, has employed numerous slogans over the years. Which of the following was never one of them?

  • Unleash the Beast
  • Is It In You?
  • Be Like Mike
  • The Legend Continues