Get a perfect score on this quiz about famous cities to prove to us that you are a world traveler!

Get a perfect score on this quiz about famous cities to prove to us that you are a world traveler!

QUESTION 1-In terms of population, this national capital is among the least significant ones worldwide. Although meetings of the country's Congress are held there, only 0.2% of the country's population resides there, and residents do not have a voting representative.

Correct Incorrect You're in exceptional company if you correctly identified Washington, D.C. The vast majority of Americans, according to polls, are unaware of D.C.'s deficiency in representation.

QUESTION 1-In terms of population, this national capital is among the least significant ones worldwide. Although meetings of the country's Congress are held there, only 0.2% of the country's population resides there, and residents do not have a voting representative.

  • New Delhi
  • Canberra
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Brasilia